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Saturday, May 24, 2014

A camp out - at the house!

Kira had been talking about camping non stop all day so when we got home we decided to get the tent out and let her and Collin sleep in it for the night. We blew up the air mattress and turned the TV so they could watch a movie. They were having fun and all was well... until we turned the TV off and time for bed. Collin didn't want to stay so Shayna picked him up and they went home. We couldn't just let Kira sleep alone, what fun is a camp out by yourself? So Andy, Max and I joined in and we camped in the living room. We might have to do that more often because Max slept through the entire night. He didn't get me up once! I was in awe... Usually he's up 3-6 times a night so to sleep solid through the night was like heaven. And Andy and I like camping so we didn't mind. We already have a few camping trips planned and are excited to take Kira with us. She loved playing in the dirt with Collin when we went to Newton and was mad we didn't stay over so we'll have to ensure she gets her Camping fix. 

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