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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dancing with the Relay Stars 2014

The event this year was AWESOME! We had 8 amazing stars and some seriously talented choreographers, I'm in awe at their work. Together with the addmission money for the night we raised over $6500 for Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society at this years Kick off Event. WOW. I've been in charge of this event for 3 years now and that's the best we've done yet (close to the first year though). I love this event because it brings Relay for Life together with the dancing community. I've been in dancing since I was three years old so I love it. This year they conned me into dancing. At first I was stoked because I was going to choreograph, well things changed and I had enough choreographers for everyone if I didn't dance - WHICH I WAS FINE WITH. I had previously connected a lady from salt lake from a hip hop crew/class and asked if she knew any male choreographers that would be interested in helping out with our event. Well Quang called me the night of our meeting. Crap, I really was doing this. Well I was sick for a while and then out of town so meeting together with Quang took some time. I drove down to Syracuse Dance for practice a week before the event and then again on Sunday. Wow - yup two practices. We meet for a little bit the night of event to review and change a few things but I was still so busying helping set up that we didn't get much time. Though I was off count and messed up a time or two I think we killed it, and even more we had fun. We got 10, 10, 9 as our score and raised $568. We didn't win but in my book we did. 

Here's the video: - By Gavmeister Photography

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